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Newland NLS-FR40 Barcode Reader
Save: 1400৳
Newland NLS-FR40 Barcode Reader Price in BDNewland NLS-FR40 Barcode Reader is Now available at the best price in BD. If you are looking for a Barcode Scanner at a low price in Bangladesh then Potaka IT is here to assist. Feel free to contact us for the Newland NLS-FR40 Barcode Reader Discount price in BD.Newland NLS-FR40 Barcode Reader, capable of scanning and decoding 1D, 2D, and PDF417 barcodes with ease. Boasting an optical sensor resolution of 1280 pixels and a high-quality CMOS image sensor, this reader captures clear images of barcodes for efficient decoding. Its exceptional reading performance allows for swift and accurate scanning, even on moving barcodes or those covered with protective film.Equipped with multiple interfaces, including RS-232 and USB, as well as auditory and visual notifications through beeps and LEDs, the NLS-FR40 offers seamless connectivity and user-friendly feedback. Simply connect the device to your computer or other devices using the RS-232 or USB cable, and experience the satisfaction of audible and visual cues when a barcode is successfully scanned.The NLS-FR40 Barcode Reader features a power adaptor output of DC 5V, 1.5A, with an input power range of AC 100240V, 5060Hz. With low power consumption and a long service life, it ensures reliability in your barcode scanning tasks. Its compact and ergonomic design fits comfortably in your hand, enhancing the overall user experience.Choose the Newland NLS-FR40 Barcode Reader for a rapid and accurate solution to scanning and decoding various barcode types. Backed by a 1-year warranty, it combines advanced optical sensor technology, a CMOS image sensor, and superior reading performance to meet the demands of users seeking efficiency and reliability in barcode scanning...
13,400৳ 14,800৳
Ex Tax:13,400৳
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Latest Newland Barcode Scanner Price List in BD 2024

View today Last Updated Prices of Newland Barcode Scanner in Bangladesh. Last Updated Date 09/08/2024

Newland Barcode Scanner List Price in BD
Newland NLS-FR40 Barcode Reader 13,400৳

Newland Barcode Scanner Price in BD